Celebration day of the 30th anniversary of Molins Defensa Penal
On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Molins Defensa Penal, the Firm will hold various commemorative events throughout the year. The first event took place last Thursday, November 28, at the Círculo Ecuestre in Barcelona, attended by many lawyers, consultants, and collaborators whom we were able to thank for the trust placed in our Firm during these three decades of professional career.
It was quite an honor to have the attendance of political authorities and public figures relevant to the legal sector such as el Molt Honorable Senyor Josep Rull, president del Parlament de Catalunya; l’Honorable Senyor Ramon Espadaler, conseller de Justícia; el Molt Honorable Senyor Artur Mas, expresident de la Generalitat; l’Excel·lentíssima Senyora M. Eugènia Gay Rosell, segona tinent d’alcalde i exdegana de l’Il·lustre Col·legi de l’Advocacia de Barcelona (ICAB); el Senyor Pedro Javier Ariche Axpe, tinent fiscal de la Fiscalia Superior de Catalunya; el Senyor Jordi Sánchez Picanyol, adjunt al Síndic de Greuges de Catalunya; i el Magnífic Senyor Javier Segura Zariquiey, degà del Col·legi de Procuradors de Barcelona. Also attended the Emeritus Deans from the Il·lustre Col·legi de l’Advocacia de Barcelona (ICAB), Josep M. Antràs and Sílvia Giménez-Salinas i Pere Yúfera.
We share in this video some of the best moments from the event: