Compliance is dynamism and constant evolution. To this end, it is essential to keep abreast of changes and improvements in this area, especially those that are most critical for each organisation. The Compliance Department of Molins Criminal Defence presents the… Read more
The Spanish Law 2/2023, of 20 February, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory breaches and the fight against corruption (hereinafter, Law 2/2023) represented a paradigm shift in the fight against corruption and the commission of regulatory breaches within… Read more
The Council of Ministers recently green-lighted the proposed Law of Corporate Reporting on Sustainability, a decisive step towards greater transparency and accountability in business activity. This regulatory framework, which is now headed for parliamentary processing, includes environmental, social and governance… Read more
In September 2024, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) released an update to its guidance on the Evaluation of Corporate Compliance Programs (ECCP). This document aims to provide prosecutors with guidance on investigating and assessing the effectiveness of organisations’… Read more
In today’s increasingly regulated and complex business environment, organizations face constant scrutiny from their suppliers, customers, and stakeholdersin general. In this scenario, the consequences derived from a regulatory breach or irregularity in an organization can be highly damaging, not only… Read more
Mobbing and Sexual Harassment offences, as defined in articles 173.1 and 184 of the Spanish Criminal Code, respectively, are cross-cutting risks that can be observed in any environment where people interact and, therefore, in any company, foundation, association, among others, regardless of their activity. The purpose… Read more
El pasado mes de diciembre se aprobó por parte del Congreso de los Estados Unidos la nueva “Foreign Extortion Prevention Act” (Ley de Prevención de Conductas de Extorsión en el Extranjero; en adelante, FEPA). Complementando a la “Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” (Ley de Prácticas de Corrupción… Read more
The term Compliance can be defined as regulatory compliance, or compliance with that which must be complied with. The scope of the regulatory compliance that a given entity must ensure can be very broad, as well as the totality of… Read more