The challenge of corporate sustainability reporting for organizations in relation to the new report “Supporting ESG reporting standards”

In January 2024, the Spanish Association for Standardization (hereinafter, UNE) issued a report entitled “Supporting ESG reporting standards“, with the aim of encouraging the application of specific standards by Spanish organizations in their sustainability reporting. The purpose of this note is to provide a comprehensive approach… Read more

Regarding the delicate balance between Equality and Compliance policies in relation to Protocols against Mobbing and Sexual Harassment

Mobbing and Sexual Harassment offences, as defined in articles 173.1 and 184 of the Spanish Criminal Code, respectively, are cross-cutting risks that can be observed in any environment where people interact and, therefore, in any company, foundation, association, among others, regardless of their activity. The purpose… Read more

The new Foreign Extortion Prevention Act

El pasado mes de diciembre se aprobó por parte del Congreso de los Estados Unidos la nueva “Foreign Extortion Prevention Act” (Ley de Prevención de Conductas de Extorsión en el Extranjero; en adelante, FEPA). Complementando a la “Foreign Corrupt Practices Act” (Ley de Prácticas de Corrupción… Read more

Current developments in Compliance: the publication of the UNE 19603 on Compliance Management Systems regarding free competition

Recently, the Spanish Association for Standardisation (UNE) has published the standard UNE 19603, Compliance Management Systems in matters of free competition (hereinafter, UNE 19603). This standard provides the necessary guidelines to establish, develop, implement, evaluate, maintain and continuously improve a Compliance Management System in this… Read more

What is the ethical channel?

Ethical channels have acquired great relevance since the recent and novel publication of Law 2/2023, of February 20, regulating the protection of persons who report regulatory infringements and the fight against corruption (hereinafter Law 2/2023). Although Law 2/2023 has encouraged… Read more

Osasuna Case

Commentary on the first conviction for the crime of sports corruption and the interpretation given by the Supreme Court to the “bonuses for winning”  In April 2020, the Second Section of the Provincial Court of Navarra convicted for the commission… Read more

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